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Sun Announces Upconverting Non-toxic Quantum Dots
September 23, 2019
We've had downcoverting materials for bioassay applications available on the market for some time now, prompting numerous requests for
upconverting materials. Why? Downconverting UV materials are brighter, with a higher quantum yield and more emission peaks for
higher data resolution, so they are ideal for many applications. Biological materials such as proteins, peptides, and DNA, however,
absorb UV light but not 980 nm infrared light, so taggants which fluoresce at 980 nm can be preferable for some imaging applications.
Our new NaYF4:YbEr hexane colloid upconverts laser light from a wavelength of 980 nm to 545 nm as shown in the closeup below:

The advantage of the downconverting
while the upconverting IR prevents background light noise from some biological materials.. Visit our PhosphorDotsTM page for further information!
PhosphorDot COOH Functionalization Now Available
June 10, 2018
PhosphorDotsTM are often used by themselves as markers for in vitro experiments,
but carboxyl functionalization can be required to bond proteins or other substances to them.
For a limited time, COOH functionalization is available without an additional charge,
by just noting "COOH" on your order comments.
To reduce the time and energy spent on materials preparation in your research, buy some COOH
functionized PhosphorDots today!
Ferro-Fluid now available in 6 nm size!
March 22, 2017
Sun Innovations announces availability of our new Fe3O4 ferro-fluid. On display at the
American Chemical Society March 22-24 show in San Francisco, these particles drew lots of interest
from magnetic resonance imaging researchers. Click on our colloids link for further information!
Sun Announces Debut of Non-toxic Quantum Dots
October 21, 2016
Sun Innovation's PhosphorDotsTM are a new alternative to organic dyes and quantum dots.
Phosphor Dots combine the best features of both, having a lifetime comparable to quantum dots,
while being a non-toxic like an organic dye. Read more here.